Taking the first professional blog step - DPCON14

I have a little confession to make.

Tomorrow I am going on a cruise. Not just any cruise, but a Digital Parents Blogger Conference Cruise. #DPCON14. It almost feels like an 'ta-daaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh' moment.

This is me with my family, about to go on our first cruise in 2009. They miss out this time...

Up to now, I've been writing my little stories (since 2011 actually) and leaving them to the gods of the internet, not particularly worried if nobody read them. But this year I decided to make the time for writing regularly, and to get a bit more organised with it all. In my mind, this means
- getting someone to help me put the blog together properly with contacts and a good layout
- someone to help with a good creative design for the blog
- some assistance with content, both planning and style
- build an audience.

All of this is to build towards perhaps setting this up as a second career path. I work full time and I'm a bit cray-cray with my time, but so far I've been posting most weeks, and sometimes even twice (yay!).

I think I'm the perfect candidate for being an advocacy blogger. I have a very strong opinion about things, can articulate this in a positive way and best of all, I'm an early adopter. I LOVE to try new things, and usually can say that I have a tried a product before any of my friends or colleagues. So imagine what this would mean for a brand! In my eyes anyway...

So I'm off on this cruise to see what I can learn, and I know there is a big knowledge gap. Plus I get to relax, eat and read. Bliss!

This is me relaxing and taking selfies. Couldn't ask for a better life!

Wish me luck, and it's ok to be a little jealous of the fantastic long weekend I'm having. I can't wait to meet these experienced bloggers and learn from them!


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