May 27 - Day 9 Post Op BTKR

It's day 9 and things are still moving along (pardon the pun!). Successes for today included the hydrotherapy class which involved walking down the stairs into the water, plus, I can comfortably walk short distances ON MY OWN without the crutches. This was so exciting but scary at the same time. The last thing you want to do is twist or fall and damage the new knees. And the morning session physio doesn't know I can do this yet, only the hydro guy. I also measured bend today. Right leg which was my worst is at 76 degrees, and left is stronger at 89 degrees so this is positive news!
But the price of success has to be paid. Particularly last night and this afternoon, the pain has been horrible. I'm trying to walk it out and use ice packs but something stronger is going to be needed to get through the night so I've asked for all the painkillers they will give me (which is not a lot).
Here's hoping for a night free from moaning and pain, fingers crossed.


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